A doctor and patient sitting at a table

What is "Healthspan"?

“Longevity" mostly refers to how long we live, but also how well we live in terms of physical, cognitive and mental health. "Healthspan" refers to the period in life when we live free from progressive and/or prolonged disability and disease, along with our ability to maintain and improve physical and mental capabilities as we age.

Healthspan Planning and Coaching is a strategic approach to increasing healthspan. Physical Structure works with clients to build comprehensive Healthspan plans that begin with understanding the client’s current health and fitness status, which can be learned via basic fitness testing, input from the client’s medical providers and the use of specialized blood biomarker and gut health measurement services like InsideTracker (blood biomarker) and Viome (gut microbiome health). These services include medically-provided results explanations, and nutritional and healthy lifestyle habit change recommendations (like optimizing sleep, stress management, etc.). These services are great tools to understand internal health and to track “inner age” (biological age). By optimizing inner age, clients can actually age in reverse!

The Healthspan Planning and Coaching process includes a thoughtful look into the future to determine what activities and capabilities (physical and cognitive) will be important to the client at different stages of life.

Once we’ve evaluated current health and fitness status and set healthspan goals, together we create and execute a comprehensive plan that includes a curated exercise program (see Specialized Fitness Training Services), along with input from medical providers (medically supervised nutritional programs, medical screening tests, etc.).

To learn more about Healthspan Planning and Coaching, please contact us.